*you may ask yourself, well, how did i get here?*

With baby on the way, it's causing us to get serious about Ranch renovations again. I mean sure, we've been doing things. We have ceiling fans in all the bedrooms, the master is now a gorgeous color (good call, Seth), grown up bedroom furniture has been ordered, and I've been sanding that paint transgression on the molding in the front room off slowly but surely. Seth even fixed our swamp cooler which was definitely laboring and doing nothing to cool off the Ranch. I haven't had too many "pregnant moments" and he might have single-handedly avoided some.

There have been a lot of aspects we've been lucky in as far as being home owners but I believe in a thing called renovation karma. In order to receive something excellent (like not having to repair swamp coolers professionally) there has to be a trade off. Ours is coming in the way of re-plumbing our whole house. I'm presently getting offers to see how much that will be. I think trading our galvanized steel pipes for ones that don't rust from the inside out and back up our plumbing may be priceless though.

Once that situation is under control we can recommit to our upstairs bathroom. Baby's going to need some place to take a bath in her rainforest friends tub. I'm kind of excited about that one though because we've decided to take off the rebath over the tub and shower. Our Ranch has a history of interesting and hideous things hiding behind what's on top. It'll be like urban exploring someplace I own.


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