*once you were tethered and now you are free*

A Day at Sea(World)

SeaWorld grows with you. Each time I visit, the park makes an impression on me in a different way. This time I was expecting to flashback to all the memories that accompanied having worked there…wandering through Happy Harbor, visiting the Adventure Camp kids, and all as some favorite sea creature. While I went down memory lane, I also discovered that SeaWorld had new entertainment by which to make new memories.

We got to Shamu stadium early because good seats for those shows fill up fast. I was anxious to see what One Ocean would be like since Believe had just opened while I was still an employee. Despite the absence of trainers in the water, the new show was still moving. SeaWorld continued their message of conservation. They still stressed the bond between humans and the nature around us. My favorite part was when they celebrated the generational impact. The big screen showed video of mama and baby animals while a mama and baby orca whale duo acted out a choreographed dance in front of us. Maybe it was because I was already pregnant/emotional, but I felt completely in-tune with the message.

Throughout the day we enjoyed the animal exhibits, show line ups, food breaks, and (for those of us who weren’t pregnant) the thrilling rides. We only slowed down when guests were asked to go inside the nearest buildings because of inclement weather. After waiting it out with our penguin friends, we emerged for SeaWorld’s nighttime spectacular.

Summer Nights is the catch all term for night versions of your favorite park shows, beverages and snacks along the waterfront on lighted tables, a DJ to soundtrack it all, and the fireworks and water fountain celebration at Bayside Stadium. The last late night I’d spent at SeaWorld was sometime in the ’80s because I vividly remember hearing “Celebration” backing the festivities. The current shows include some classic songs as well as new favorites. Shamu Rocks was high energy and the whales didn’t even let on if they were tired. Amazingly the guests were still going strong by the end of the fireworks as well. It was the perfect way to cap off a day at a magical place.

Want to see more photos? Check out my set on Flickr!

And check our the video of Shamu's new show "One Ocean" on our youtube!


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