*travelers come and go, you see them landing with their pale wings & flying back to the snow*

M-i-c, See You Real Soon...

Though I had started my return trip to Kissimmee with the intention of retracing the steps of my younger self, I found it was much more enjoyable to just revisit what I could. Plenty of my favorite haunts were reincarnated as something else. My favorite bar was up for sale (gasp!). However, therein lies the beauty of Kissimmee. For every old memory there’s a new one waiting to be made.

I was lucky to get to return, to find those old familiar buildings I always wished I’d gotten pictures of when I lived down the street. It was great to have time with family who I wish weren’t on the other side of the country. That is what Kissimmee is…a prefect backdrop for reconnecting and enjoying your vacation companions and scenery.

The next time you find yourself there, make sure to take it all in. This is a city with so much to offer and one that reinvents itself constantly. There’s no way to return to that life you lead before but you can always count on Kissimmee to welcome you in like you’ve never left.


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