*there are places I remember*


We were babies when we met you. Newly married, freezing in 50 degrees, adventurous babies. 

Now we're parents, well acclimated, sad to be possibly saying goodbye grown people. 

There's no way to measure my adoration for your hikes or what we discovered along them. I'll never be able to relate the perfection that is picnic-ing and playing in any one of your parks. Small town parades and big fireworks will never be done better. I love the people who made us family and friends here. And Fall, well, Fall is just bliss.

So I thank you for bringing me these people and places so I would stop crying in bungalow basements out of homesickness.

You showed me how beautiful it could be to begin again.

I'm channeling the 10th Doctor over here with an "I don't want to go!" I can't imagine Arizona ever being for me what you have been.

But maybe when I'm crying in some non-basement Arizona will speak to me as you did and I will let it become home.

In this odd in-between when decisions have yet to be made, I will walk down familiar streets and consciously enjoy them. I will carry you with me whether we remain here or not.    

::listening to "in my life" by the beatles::



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