*we are far too young and clever*

Doing nightly updates while on vacation is a good idea in theory. In reality we were having way too much fun. The Kissimmee trip was excellent and my posts should go live on the Kissimmee tourist blog by the end of this week. I'll post screen shots of it on here too.
click on the picture to blow it up

When I got back to Utah the fun continued with our first ultrasound. We're having a girl! It was pretty wild to see her alligator-like spine and teeny heart. I haven't felt any kicks so we were glad to see her wigglin' for the camera. Everything looks healthy, she's just measuring small. Our 11-11-11 due date may turn into a Thanksgiving one. We'll know more in August when we do a second ultrasound.
baby Eileen says "hello!"


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