*the boys of old Florida*

Alligator Capital of the World Gatorland is nostalgia at its finest. They have captured that delicate balance of staying original while introducing new exhibits that make you want to rediscover one of Florida’s surviving roadside attractions.

Naturally, it was the first place I went to after flying in. The last time I had seen Gatorland was in 2006 when an early morning fire was funneling smoke through the iconic gator mouth entrance. I needed a replacement image.

I’m pleased to say that walking up to Gatorland was just as fascinating as it had been as a child. There are some things fires can’t change. The park continues to combine the wild nature of the state with charismatic performances. Every employee we encountered was friendly and obviously passionate about being part of the experience. My family and I enjoyed a leisurely stroll around the park, taking in the sunbathing gators, cooling off in the misters at the petting zoo, and forgetting that we were so close to developed Orlando. While inside Gatorland it’s easy to feel like you’ve slipped back into old swampy Florida.

The park’s shows capitalize on their wild factor. Upclose Encounters draws on audience participation to handle creepy spiders and crawling snakes. The Gator Jumparoo Show is famous for stringing chickens up so the gators can pop out of the water to get them. (A little tip: the snack shack, which has a good variety of food, is right next to where this show takes place. Take a lunch break before the show and you’ll be right there to be first along the fence for the best view.) Of course there’s also the Gator Wrestlin’ Show. This classic includes favorite tricks like wrestlers balancing their heads on top of open jaws and making the beasts “go to sleep.” Afterwards, for a $10 donation that goes to the animals, you can pose on top of your own live alligator. The shows run in the morning and the afternoon so you can be sure to see all the action.

On the way out we made sure to exit through the gift shop. Gatorland’s is full of everything from University of Florida (hello alma matter!) gifts to gator themed souvenirs for the whole family. My favorite find was a piece of the original flooring that was worked into the rebuilt shop. The face of Florida and Gatorland may have changed slightly over the years but history is resilient.

Want to see more photos? Check out my set on Flickr!

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