*and i searched behind your eyes for you*

Strut Your Mutt is this weekend. 
I could tell you about how necessary these donations are especially for the group I rescue with (Utah Animal Advocacy Foundation) who specializes in "difficult" adoption cases. I could give you statistics on how many animals are neglected and unloved. Instead I want to tell you two stories. 

This is Tezoatlan (Tezzie, Mandis, Bug, Old Man Friend). This is what he looked like when Seth and I adopted him during my senior year of college. He was a puppy mill stud dog who never knew beds, toys, or caring people. He was blind and needed major medical treatment for the first few years. Tezzie spent much of the beginning of our relationship having accidents and anxiety whenever we left. 

Through lots of persistence and understanding, the puff that used to sit in a corner and want nothing to do with us became a family member. He chomps on his toy tomato, snores in his birthday bed, occasionally cuddles in his old age, and is our daughter's best friend (he's always been mine).

This is Tabitha. We met her when I volunteered with the Fall Super Adoption in 2010. She is everything we end up falling for in rescue dogs: old, blind-ish, and needing dental work. When we first brought her home she would walk around the house all night. Once she did start sleeping with the rest of the puffs, she'd sometimes roll into Tezzie and they would open their mouths up like hippos and grumble at each other before falling almost immediately back to sleep. 

During the nine months we fostered Tabitha she was my cooking companion in the kitchen and welcomed everyone to the Ranch by snorting on them. At the May Super Adoption she met Mark and Howard. (You can read about it here.)She now enjoys sharing her sleeping porch with her new fam. 

For every Tezzie and Tabitha that find their families, there are countless animals still hoping for theirs. We're not asking you to nurse them back to health or let them sleep in bed with you. We just want you to know how much we appreciate your support and belief that there should be no more homeless pets. 

For those of you who have ever donated to our Strut adventure, thank you for spreading the love. If you're curious about how it works, please visit our donation page: Puff Power.


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