*you're in my web now*

I'm not sure what most disturbs me about the picture you're about to see: the fact that this is only half of the ones that we trapped in a single night or that this pad was in the most trafficked part of the basement (our laundry room/puff playroom/only bathroom left standing). I know renovations are supposed to stir up ghosts but apparently the Ranch has more spiders than spirits. 

(If you're like me and only enjoy spiders at Halloween and in jewelry form, don't even bother looking at what comes next.)

(Oh, and pay no attention to the dingy baseboards or floral wallpaper. Wallpaper is scarier than our eight-legged basement friends.)

(See...I'm giving you time to back out of looking at this picture...)

Gah! Obviously, whether these are examples of Utah's poisonous (and ridiculously named) Hobo spider or not, they cannot continue sharing the Ranch with us. Even though I know they're here because they're eating other insects, love basements in general, and have been here longer than we have...I still feel like people will see this and think our house is dirty.

So, amidst bids for finishing the upstairs bathroom and re-plumbing the house (let's make these spiders super pissed), we're having our first pest control spray tomorrow. 

It may rival the installation of central air (that happened earlier this month) as the best "renovation" yet! 

In cuter news...happy 8 month birthaversary to Eileen-a-Bean! We'll share pictures in a less gross post.


Brem said…
I think Janine agrees with you. The pest control is one of the best things we've done even know its a never ending battle!

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