*i'll take care of you*

The Ranch had its first burial this weekend. 

Thankfully it wasn't any of our furry friends but it was still sad. One of the semi-feral cats that's been around since we moved in (and who recently became a mama too) passed away under the Christmas tree in the front yard. Seth, being the stellar man that he is, buried her in our easement because that's where they spent most of their time. We put some markers on the spot, food on the porch for the two babies, and had a discussion about whether cats understood death. 

I'd like to think that the connection between family, even in the animal world, is there forever.  I'm definitely one of those nerds who believes in the Rainbow Bridge and those that have loved you being a presence in your life. 

I believe because every now and then you see evidence of it. At night we see the kittens lying next to their mama.


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