*the wind is changing also. don't you think the same laws might apply to life?*

March is a lucky month for the Ranch. It means Seth gets his profit sharing check and the Ranch gets a face-lift. We finally admitted defeat with the last of the (four layers of) wallpaper and hired someone to "mud" over it. When he's finished we will have the appearance of real smooth walls.

I'm probably most excited about the bathroom looking less depressing. In preparation, we all but gutted it. Seth felt very manly and I was proud of him.

Back when we were house hunters I enjoyed putting up weird things we found while hunting. Unfortunately none of them top this weird thing we found while dropping part of our basement ceiling. How foul is that? It's a mouse and I'm guessing it's also from the 70s. I feel bad for the Ranch (and the mouse). If it had been left to its 1950s glory at least the mouse would've been from a hip decade or wearing some gorgeous Bakelite.

(In non-Ranch news...) Yesterday we had an earthquake drill with a soundtrack at school. Even though it was fake it was odd to see the babies huddled under desks especially in light of everything that's happening in the world.


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