*just like James I'll be drinking Irish tonight*

First off, Happy St. Patty's Day my friends! I am indeed drinking after the kind of week we've had in the house hunting department. We've now seen over 18 houses. Monday was a trip downtown to the Avenues. If I were an SLC address I would be in the Avenues. It's eclectic, hip and full of puff people. It's also typically way out of our price range. So we were pretty amped to look at 2 houses that were. This was the nicer of the 2:We'll call it the "Graveyard Avenues" house from here on out. It was built in 1906 and like most houses in the area is going to need some work. Some of the work is cosmetic and other types are major like securing the foundation. These houses are just so old and are on hills that they need to be updated. BUT, a block away there are massively nice mansions. It's also a "regular sale" house which is fast becoming a really attractive quality when house hunting.

After the Avenues, we went up over by the "Nevada/Church" house and saw this one:
It's from like the late '40s and has been totally renovated while still maintaining that old charm. The bathrooms are spectacular and it's just a really gorgeous place. The price is kind of high and Seth doesn't like the hill yard or the fact that it had siding. It's currently the #2 "best" house on our list though.

So, what's the #1? "Nevada" of course and t
hat house is going to be the death of me. Today was the second time the bank was going to supposedly foreclose on it. When our agent talked to the seller's agent (jerkface) he told her that they had pushed back the date again. At lunch, Seth checked the attorney trustee's website and found out that in fact they were auctioning off the house TODAY. He drove down to the courthouse, did some ninja research and found out that no one had posted the $219,000 opening bid so the bank took control of the property. Never mind the fact that we offered well over that originally.

To get over our anger we checked out a place in Sugarhouse by the park:
We'll call it the "Montelongo" house (after Armando Montelongo from A&E's Flip This House). On paper and at first glance this house is great with a big yard, dead-end street and family friendly neighborhood. Inside it was a flip gone lazy. Tomorrow when I post the second installment of "Weird Things Found While House Hunting" you'll see a bunch from this house and why we call it what we do. Basically, it's ridiculously priced and needs a lot of work too.

After having a good laugh, we did a creepster drive-by of "Nevada" because we have an unhealthy attachment to that house. Here it is again minus the snow and plus a foreclosure notice:
Which house would you choose (without seeing the insides, since most of these are currently inhabited)?


Angela said…
I would pick the first one because I'm a sucker for windows like that and a porch. I fully agree that you should come visit so we can be not pregnant together! Spring Break?
KitschyWoman said…
I so agree! I wish the foundation problem on that house wasn't so much of a beast. :(

My Spring Break is the first full week in April and I've blocked it out to start cleaning the rental so we can show it. I'm down for a visit in the summer though!

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