*he knows what's true and if you are, he'll follow you if you're headed home all the way*

Four years ago today, Seth and I stormed the adopt-a-thon at the Oaks Mall to find a skinny Shih Tzu mix that had been picked up in a puppy mill raid. I had no idea about the extent of his health issues or how much we'd have to work to get him out of his old life mindset. I just knew that he curled up in my lap when we were signing the adoption papers and we were in love. Tezzie's petfinder picture in 2006

Today is his "9th birthday!"
after a long day of partying, 2010

When I think about all the life changes he's been through with me, it's a little overwhelming. Probably the biggest was when we moved to Kissimmee. We ate lots of dinners together on the floor in front of the TV. He kept me company while I met new people, started new jobs and tried to keep my lights on during the summer with a minimum wage paycheck. He was also the perfect traveling companion on our every other weekend trips to see Seth and Conor in Tampa.

I can't believe he's been a part of our family for 4 years. I adore him every day.


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