*this road i'm on's gonna turn to sand*

Leave it to me to write my first post of the new year six months into it. It's impossible to recount all the adventures we've had or the wonderfully mundane events that have passed. So, instead I'll just say (because I'm feeling sappy)...

2014 has been about arrivals and departures. 

The Ranch has been alive with the dearest kind of visitors from the home state. They have Sundanced, farmed, egg hunted, and filled the space between these walls with laughter. They've come to life, hopped right out of their pictures and become real to our kids. It's been amazing. 

And then there was February. We said goodbye (sometimes in spirit, sometimes in person, always in heart) to Mama Zoy, Seth's Grandma, and our raspberry neighbor Charlotte. It is an isolating experience to lose someone and be so physically distant. We tend both sides of the raspberry patch and visit Charlotte's grave because we can. But when we do it's like we're doing it for our grandmother's too. You have to believe that they can see how they are missed. 

In between the coming and going there's us. This family of four (plus puffs) who take after-dinner walks in red wagons, live at local parks cause the weather's so choice, and settle under the same roof at night. It's not always easy but it's ours. And I am grateful.

::listening to "the longer i run" by peter bradley adams::


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