*i will be back one day and i'll find you by the great big lake*

Tezzie overseeing bathroom renovations in August
Loss is the drive down State St. to accept that we are now a two dog family. It's not having a puff to wake up from sleep so we can get to work. It's a silent house because no one is squeaking toys. It's a cup of food, instead of a cup and a half, at breakfast and dinner. Loss is an absence of groundhog sits, bugga rolls, and snoring. It is having to wake up each day to missing you.

But I have to believe that the Rainbow Bridge has a magnificent view of our home in case you feel like telling Conor and Sake to shut up when they're being too wild. I'm sure you can sleep as long as you want. Or maybe you got your energy back...the kind we would see in short bursts down here.

There's probably a box full of squeaky toys that you can hide in for days. Hippo fight with Tabitha for old time's sake; she's up there too. In fact you might meet a lot of puffs who remember us from different parts of our lives. Stop and share stories with them. They've got some good ones.

And Tez, look in on us from time to time. I know up there you've got your sight and your hearing back. See that we love you so very much still. Hear me when I say that cheesy line about who-rescued-who is spot on. Thank you for finding your way into our family.

We cannot wait to hug you again.

       Mama, Daddy, Bean, Conor, Sake, and Snowball (oh! and the feral cats too!)

::listening to Lord Huron's "I Will Come Back One Day"::


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