*in the timid shade of autumn leaves*

After living here for three years we've learned to take the weird with the excellent. Fall in Utah is absolutely stunning and makes you really glad you live here. We typically celebrate with a hike through the canyons, but this year we settled for "preggopotamus hiking" to accommodate baby and my growing belly. Fall also means the return of blouse-y tops, leggings, and boots. I've been lucky enough to "fit" into my typical clothes for most of this pregnancy and I aim to continue my boycott of maternity clothes in these final months. Free People (a company I loved pre-baby too) is the greatest of my life. Their flowing hippie fabric lets me feel like myself even while my body is changing. Their tops made an appearance on our hiking excursion and crib set-up.
Don't worry, we realize there's more to having a baby than fashion. We've been working on getting the nursery ready. Putting up Eileen's crib was a family affair and quite the adventure.


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