*home is wherever i'm with you*

A week ago to the day, Seth and I put our offer in on the "Church House." We'd been stalking it from the outside (sorry current renters) for about a month and finally got into it last Monday. We put an offer on it on Tuesday. Not only is it in a great location (across from a Catholic church, in a neighborhood we couldn't normally afford) but it's huge! We don't have enough stuff to fill 5 bedrooms but we sure want them.

The only downside is that it's a short sell. A short sell house doesn't mesh
well with my instant gratification personality. The bank took 3 weeks to reject our competition's offer so we're not planning on hearing anything anytime soon. In the meantime we just get ridiculously attached to the idea of living there. I know there are all kinds of other things we'll have to wait through if our offer is accepted but it is kind of fun to redecorate in your mind.

Since the house is currently being rented to returned missionaries I'm just going to post a picture of the outside.
While we wait for news on our possible home owner status, I'm looking forward to distracting myself with Sundance this weekend. It'll be fun to look at all the famous people who are dressed inappropriately for winter weather.


Angela said…
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys. I know how hard it is to be patient about that. Make sure you post pics from Sundance! I want to see!

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