*you've got your mother's eyes, you've got your daddy's head*
30 x 30: #30 Have Another Baby When I made my list of things I wanted to do by the time I hit 30 years old (refresh your memory -here- ) having another baby was one of those parts that seemed a little less in my control than others. Yet, here we are almost a month 'til that milestone and I'm getting to tell the story of Ezra. Early, early morning on Monday, October 7th I woke Seth up and told him he might need to be ready to take the day off. Then there was a whirlwind of timing contractions, getting sick, insisting on taking a shower, waking Eileen up, and running through the sprinklers in the yard. But we were pros at this. It was our second baby and Seth and Bean were just going to get me settled at the hospital and come back when it was closer to delivery and a decent hour that neighbors could watch her. At 3 a.m. before we even got on the interstate my water broke. At 6th South I was pretty sure he was going to be born in the car. By the time we made it to LDS Ho...