I wanna go somewhere I can get drunk and tan and walk around

We lasted two years in Arizona. We walked to school past Saguaro sentinels, escaped to Flagstaff to run in real grass every October, and confused coyotes for dogs (okay maybe that was just me). We drank Dutch Bros all the dang time, reunited with high school friends who are lifelong friends, and watched our kids make up loud songs while bouncing on couches. We swam in our pool in the morning, afternoon, and night under the twinkle lights even when our neighbors' AC went out and sounded like an airplane landing all long weekend. We did date nights a la the Scottsdale lifestyle occasionally thanks to preschool "parents' night out." There were trips to Stevie Nicks' mama's defunct antique emporium, the LOVE statue on Valentine's Day, lots of trips to Tuscon, and revisiting childhood at the Lisa Frank Factory. There were ones when I would drive out as far as one street would go and find myself next to tipped metal horses under a pre-monsoon sky. ...